Dr. Leon Boss
Minister of Worship
Originally from Atlanta Georgia, Leon graduated from Samford University with a Bachelor of Music Education degree and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary with a Master of Church Music degree. In 2009 he began his ministry at DFC as part-time interim Minister of Music while working on his doctorate degree in Worship from Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary. Leon became full-time Minister of Music and Worship at DFC in the fall of 2010 and completed his doctorate degree in December of 2011. In 2012, Leon became a contract worker for the Worship and Music Department of the South Carolina Baptist State Convention, working with worship leaders in the small church who are part-time, bi-vocational, and volunteer ministers. Leon served in four previous churches over the past 30 years. His passion is to use his gifts and strengths to encourage the body of Christ to live a life of worship. Leon is married to Mary and they have three grown children and seven grandsons and one granddaughter who are the joy of his life.